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Inspire your new healthy life


The Shift

The Shift

A compelling portrait of three modern lives in need of new direction and new meaning. (via website, FMTV)



A scientific and spiritual journey in discovering our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. (via google play)

Raw The Documentary

Raw The Documentary

About a couple in their sixties running around Australia on a completely raw food diet for 366 days, they ran a marathon each day, raising awareness for alternative medicine, the power of food and animal cruelty.(via website)

You Can Heal Your Life - The Movie

You Can Heal Your Life - The Movie

This film gives penetrating insights into Louise's personal story; and shows how her views on the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed. (via website, FMTV)

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

From a Sydney guy who went on a revolutionary journey to just drink juice and thereby heal himself. (via FMTV)



All about the environmental impact of our food choices. (via website, Netflix)

Discovering the Gift

Discovering the Gift

Demian and his sister, Shajen Joy Aziz, narrate and present a simple road map to a journey of self-discovery that will change your life forever. (via website, Gaia)

Hungry for Change

Hungry for Change

The second film from the creators of Food Matters TV. It reveals the power of food for our health and how industries are influencing us to consistently make the wrong food decisions. (via website, FMTV, Netflix)

What the Health

What the Health

Includes many links and heaps of information on dairy and its health impacts, as well as how food industries influence our decisions. (via website, Netflix)

Beispielhafte Resultate, die meine Kunden erreichen können

·    Dich daran erinnern, wer du wirklich bist

·    Dein Baby willkommen heißen

·    Die Kontrolle über Dein Leben zurückerlangen

·    Das Vertrauen in Dich selbst und deinen Körper erhöhen

·    Unterstützung bekommen für natürlich und med. unterstützte
     Schwangerschaft (inkl. IUI, IVF, ICS, Adoption)

·    (Un)bewusste Blockaden sowie alte Denkweisen loslassen

·    Den Seelenfrieden und das Vertrauen in Dein Leben stärken

·    Klarheit für Deine nächsten Schritte bekommen

·    Dich wirklich verstanden und unterstützt fühlen

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Session mit Kristin

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