Banana Nice Cream
If I had known how easy self-made 100% sugar-free ice cream is, I would’ve started making it way before I went dairy-free. This Nice Cream is the perfect base recipe to let out your kitchen creativity and start experimenting – try different fruits, add cacao or cinnamon.
Banana Nice Cream
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
0 min
What's inside
¼ cup coconut cream
3 frozen bananas, peeled & cut into pieces
2 Tbs peanut butter
How to
Blend all ingredients.
Occasionally turn the blender off and scrape down the fruit until you get a smooth texture. This might take about 2 minutes (depending on you blender).
Kitchen Hack
Be careful not to blend for too long as the ice will heat up and become more like a sauce. If this happens, simply pour into a container and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.
For a WFPB version: Swap the coconut cream for your favourite mylk (or water)