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Pink Sugar


​3Keys® HypnoBirth
Happy Baby

Happy Mum, Happy Baby
​Bringe dein Baby auf die für dich beste Art und Weise zur Welt, denn jede Geburt ist ein Fest des Lebens. 3Keys® HypnoBirth spricht das gesamte Wesen an – Körper, Geist und Seele.

Custom Health Roadmap

Create your own Custom Health Roadmap and gain clarity on your personal health goals and how you can achieve them.

Become your own Gut Guru

70% of your immune system sits in the gut. Strengthening your gut will step change your health and transform your entire life. Become your own gut guru by learning and applying the expert tools and frameworks that will empower you to navigate your own path to health and happiness, covering: Diet, Workout, Mindset, Sleep, Breathing, Toxins, Relationships and Career.

1:1 Health Coaching

Achieve your health goals and transform your life in the shortest possible time. Work with a coach, cheerleader and butt kicker to keep you on track and adjust your strategy as required.

1:1 Business Coaching

Wealth begins with Health.
Break through those limiting believes that are holding you back from fully sharing your passion with those around you and transforming the world. Upgrade your business to the next level.


Kris Goetz is an energetic and passionate advocate for self-healing. Having achieved this in her own life, she inspires her audience to take control of their well-being in order to live the life of their dreams and get into action.

I Quit Dairy
Plant-powered Mealplan

The fastest & easiest way to go dairy-free. 
Get enticed with the 2nd mylk universe, get your health back and increase your energy levels to unknown levels.


Eating Healthy Made Easy. A healthy vegan diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and strengthen your immune system. Plus you help counter act climate change and help our animals.

Changing eating habits can be hard, with our easy-to-use software it'll be a bliss.

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